Content Repurposing
I specialize in taking the fruits of your labors and multiplying the harvest. After you publish a FB live, write an extensive Instagram caption, guest on a podcast or send email newsletters, I turn that valuable material into a Search Engine Optimized (SEO) blog post with the intention of driving traffic to your business website and increasing your reach. I can also work backwards, taking a piece of written content and creating social media posts or email newsletters highlighting the key points.
Being discovered by your ideal client online or having your informational blog post read by your target audience will not happen on accident. Intentional Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, of your blogs and articles improves your website traffic, increasing your income either via page views or attracting clients. I offer:
complete blog post writing packages
blog updating and optimizing of your existing blog archives
keyword research and blog outlining
Improving Systems
If you know the Enneagram, I am a 1:“The Reformer.” Professionally, I am passionate about improving efficiency. Whether you are brand new in private practice or growing faster than you can keep up, if there is room for improving your automations, I’m your girl. We will get you hands-off of all the parts of your business that shouldn’t require your regular attention or time. Email list engagement, social media posts, client onboarding, EHR form completion, you name it. Let’s get your systems automated!
Passive Income
Do you have a dreamy logo you could stare at all day long? Do you have a business slogan that represents your mission and your passion? Would you like to set up a passive income stream selling merch that both embodies your business’s mission statement and functions as traveling advertising? I offer complete set up of your business’s online storefront. I create graphics and design products, copy-write for your listings, integrate with a production partner, research tags and publish your listings.
Testimonials & Reviews