We all know self-care is good for us, but how many of us know how to do it or actually prioritize it in our everyday lives? Maybe you plan a girl’s trip once a year or even devote your weekend to have a Self-Care Saturday, but what about little things you can do in-between errands or appointments or after you take a break to go pee?
I am a big believer that the most sustainable and helpful self-care practices are the small ones we incorporate into our daily routines. This post is devoted to practically implementing 5 Minute Self-Care. I have specific suggestions for self-care ideas, but more importantly I have some key advice for how to make self-care happen. Let’s dive in.
Two Keys to 5 Minute Self-Care
I have identified two keys to unlocking the secret of 5 minute self-care. The first is to keep a list of ideas ready to go. The second is setting a timer.
The List
Keep reading for a list of my favorite 5 minute self-care ideas. Half of the battle to doing short and sweet self-care is just knowing what to do. You spend unnecessary mental energy coming up with an idea; this is a huge barrier. For such a small amount of time, you don’t want to be spending another 5 minutes (or more!) researching ideas for quick self-care.
Keep a list written down on your phone in your notes, in your planner, or wherever you are for most of the day (desk, car, kitchen). You can start with a sampling of ideas I share here, and add to the list when you think of an idea. If you try one out and it doesn’t do much for you, strike it off the list and try something different next time.
The Timer
The second key to 5 minutes of self-care is setting a timer.
I am guilty of avoiding doing a task (or even something enjoyable) because it seems like it’s going to take too much of my precious time. For a long time I didn’t read any non-fiction parenting, relationship or spiritual books because I never wanted to sit down and read for an indefinite amount of time. There were always other things I thought I could or should be doing. This thought was distracting and I couldn’t focus on my reading.
The day I decided I wanted to read for just 15 minutes, I set a timer and voila! My routine of doing personal development reading every day was born. Even when my reading material was a little dull or not holding my attention well, I could press on because it was only 15 minutes.
Do you have 5 minutes? Great. Set a timer on your phone and begin. Your timer will buzz at the end of 5 minutes and you can return to your busy schedule. You don’t have to worry about what you’re missing. You already decided you can spare 5 minutes. You can return to whatever is waiting for you when the 5 minutes is up. And during those 5 minutes, you can fully focus on yourself and your self-care activity.
5 Minute Self-Care Ideas
Here’s a list of some favorite self-care activities. For each of these, set the timer and plan to do it for just five minutes.
- Deep breathing. Here’s a great guided breathing video.
- Go to your favorite songs playlist and listen to one or two songs. Dance along if you want/can.
- Stretch. Here’s a guided 5 minute full body stretch video.
- Lie down (Savasana).
- Walk around your block or building.
- Wash your face and moisturize.
- 5 minutes of journaling- just get it out. Write whatever you want. No pressure or agenda.
- Make yourself a hot (or refreshingly cold, if summer) drink.
- Read a book.
- Watch a blooper reel of your favorite show. Smile and laugh.
- Take a hot shower.
- Drink a glass of water and write down three things you love about yourself.
- Send a friend $5 for their next coffee. Generosity makes you feel better. Send that friend a text with a bit of encouragement.
I challenge you to do 5 minute self-care every day for a week and then reflect on how it went, how it made you feel, how it changed your day (if at all), and how you want to modify or continue that practice the following week.
Cheers to taking care of our precious and beloved selves.